The greatest effort in software development or documenting processes isn?t coding; it?s the effort of covering every possible combination of circumstances ? user input, database transaction, or any other events/rules ? that the program/process will encounter. If any combination of inputs/events is overlooked, the program will function randomly or business processes will be incomplete. Worse are errors made during program maintenance or modification of processes, usually by programmers/analysts who do not fully understand the interaction between dozens of different possibilities. LogicGem provides an easy-to-use way to create, edit, verify and compile a program?s logic or processes by exposing problems visually and making them easier to understand. Using a spreadsheet-like table, LogicGem enables you to prototype a procedural concept, work it through analysis/design phases, then generates English, Spanish, French or German documentation and source code for Basic, C, C++, Fortran, FoxPro, Java, Pascal, PowerBuilder, SAS, Visual Basic, Visual Basic.NET, Visual C#.NET, or Xbase.